Hey! I'm Robert, a Vancouver-based product designer.
I'm a self-taught product designer who recently graduated from UBC Sauder School of Business. I don't see my non-traditional business background as a negative, rather it allows me to consider the big picture, taking into account business objectives that are just as important as design decisions. Above all else, I am always open to feedback, and I believe we can always learn something from one another!
My hobbies
Read my resume
My Design Philosophy
Modular Design
I believe we should strive to break down complex flows into bite-sized chunks for our users. Additionally, we should reuse similar design patterns and flows where we can to provide a cohesive and consistent experience to users across our platform.
Every Opinion Matters
Whenever someone has feedback about a design or an alternative idea, I always hear them out and ask them to elaborate. By exploring other people's ideas, we can iterate and potentially create an even better solution. People who are not of a design background can provide new insight and perspective on a solution. I regularly host internal workshops for feedback on features and solutions.
Show and Sell
Whenever showing a new idea that you have to stakeholders, demonstrate the potential business benefit of your idea rather than just showing the design. Tell stakeholders what such a feature would mean to the business, not just its users.
My Story
Coming from a Bachelor of Commerce degree, many of my product design skills were self taught and learned from other people. As a result, I have always believed that whether you are more experienced or less experienced than someone else, you are guaranteed to learn something from each other. This also translates to my attitude towards feedback and working within a team. The best way to describe my attitude is supported opinion that is loosely held. In other words, I'm always open to changing my mind and continuously learning something new.

Of course, I wouldn't have made it this far without the help of all my peers, coworkers, mentors, and friends. I'm also grateful to the companies who gave me a chance with no formal design education, especially when I had no formal design experience. It goes without saying that I'd like to pay it forward, so if you have any questions or need any guidance, leave me a message, and I'll do my best!
Get in touch
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©Robert Wong 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.